Charity Engagement – BeOnePercent
Pulse is a family-run business providing high-quality shopfitting, refurbishments and maintenance for some of the UK’s leading brands. We specialise in the design and delivery of exceptional projects to create engaging environments with an impeccable finish. However, Pulse is not just about what we do. It’s about how we do it. Our values are at the heart of who we are and how we work. And one of our key values is to give something back.
Why It Matters To Us
We’re committed to giving away a portion of our profits to charities and projects chosen by our staff. Our commitment to give something back drives us forward and contributes to a fun-loving, hard-working environment of accountability and pride in what we do.
We’re convinced that places make a difference to people. So we believe that investment in places can change the lives of whole communities for the better.
And that’s why we’re proud to support the work of BeOnePercent.
Their mission is to end extreme poverty through one simple idea. They are a collective of individuals who give 1% of their income each month to help the world’s poorest communities.
This month we’re highlighting their partnership with The Imagine If Trust, based in Liverpool.
ImagineIf head up a range of community projects that aim to relieve poverty, promote education and strengthen families. BeOnePercent are using the funds they’ve raised to partner with them on their one international project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Violence in the DRC has displaced over 3 million people and many of these are now living in extreme poverty. Many have fled to Kasindi, an urbanisation of around 50,000 people, close to the Ugandan border where there is only one small hospital attempting to meet their needs.
ImagineIf are building a new healthcare centre in Kasindi. This will become a community hub for the thousands of individuals who have fled to the area.
It’s estimated that the new health care centre will improve the lives of 15,000 people in the first three years. The centre will contain specialist equipment, a theatre and two wards, employing around 10 staff. On-site nurses will carry out routine vaccinations for children, provide multivitamins and distribute worming tablets. Women and girls will be offered family planning and sexual health services. A general appointment will cost $2 and a delivery $5, half the price of the government hospital.
The 1% raised for January by BeOnePercent will help pay for a solar panel system, which will provide clean, green energy to the centre for years to come.
Give Something Back
We’re excited about the difference a new healthcare centre will make there and the far-reaching potential for change in that community.
BeOnePercent is largely run by volunteers. In order to grow and develop they need business donations to pay for everything from stamps to support staff.
What can you or your business give something back to support the work of BeOnePercent?